Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Omer.

The National Legislature, chaired by Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Omer, discussed in its meeting Tuesday a report on its works and the performance of the organs affiliated to during its recess which lasted from June 14 – September 30, 2018, which included the ratification of three bills.

The report of the National Legislature, which is composed of the National Assembly and the Council of the States, has the remarks of the Council of the States’ deputies on the bills on the River Transport and Navigation Act for the year 2018.

The report explained that the National Legislature has referred to the reviewing of the Act on Environment Conservation and Natural Resources for the year 2018.

On activity of the emergency committees, the National Legislature’s Chairman said that it will review the remarks of the President of the Republic on the Act of the Supreme Judicial Council for the year 2018, affirming that the National Parliamentary Committee has contributed to supporting the parliamentary diplomacy.

He also tackled the activity of the parliamentary circles relating to the work of the International Parliamentary Union, the Joint African – Caribbean – Pacific Parliamentary Council and the European Union states.