Francesco Totti has reacted angrily to criticism from his usually loyal fans by threatening to leave the club if the insults don\'t cease. The emblematic 35-year-old is revered by the majority of Roma fans who love him more than they do the club itself. And yet he received unprecedented abuse after missing a second half penalty that cost his club a victory over Juventus on Monday night. Totti is said to have been abused by some fans close to his home in the Eur district of Rome. And asked by SkySport during Roma\'s Christmas party if he had ever thought of leaving, Totti replied: \"Yes, especially recently. And if these things continue in this way then I will continue to think about it. \"If I am Roma\'s problem as I\'ve heard then I\'ll think about it. \"I\'m not talking about the club, the coach or my team-mates. \"It\'s not a case of me not feeling the fans are close to me but I don\'t like hearing certain things said about me by Roma fans.\" While most Roma fans love Totti, some believe that he is the club\'s main problem as his presence casts a shadow over the team. He has almost become more important than the team and there is a latent pressure on coaches to pick him whether he merits a starting berth or not. Totti has never before, though, had to deal with fan dissent and this recent episode seems to have come as a shock to the club captain.