Rio 2016 volleyball

 A new batch of tickets for Olympic volleyball and beach volleyball events will go on sale on Thursday, Rio 2016 organizers said on Wednesday .

Tickets will be available for 46 sessions of volleyball and 34 sessions of beach volleyball, including the men's and women's finals for both competitions, the official Agencia Brasil news service reported.

Last week the Rio 2016 organizing committee said it would put tickets on sale every Thursday at midday for events that were previously unavailable.

Ticket prices start at around 30 US dollars for volleyball and 15 US dollars for beach volleyball.

Tickets in all price categories are being released for Brazilian residents on the Rio 2016 website. Fans residing outside of Brazil may buy tickets from authorized resellers in their countries.

Some 1.2 million tickets will be made available in the coming weeks as seating plans for venues are confirmed.