UK Foreign Secretary Philp Hammond

UK Foreign Secretary Philp Hammond described the UN-brokered Yemeni peace talks, which is held in Kuwait, as "making progress" even though there was a cautious optimism prevailing over the discussions. 
The British minister was speaking at a press conference on Monday, after a meeting with the UN Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, according to Kuwait (KUNA) News Agency. 
Hammond said that all parties involved should be "cautiously optimistic". Even though the talks were moving slowly, "progress is being made," he added. 
He said that all sides should understand there should be a political solution to the crisis because Yemen is getting dangerously close to an economic collapse.
He said that there were many details that were still being disputed, yet "a broad settlement of framework is being emerged". 
He urged to keep the talks going and "keep everybody at the table" and not allow the posturing of any side to derail the talks. 
Hammond, who is making a GCC tour to promote ties with Kuwait and the rest of the regional countries, expressed his appreciation to the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah's efforts in the Yemen peace talks, stressing that "without his intervention they would have lasted long".

Source: QNA