Vice President of South Sudan Taban Denq

First Vice President of South Sudan Taban Denq said that his country is the southern depth of Egypt, terming relations with Cairo as "everlasting" as the countries have common interests and history.

Interviewed by MENA, Denq praised the positive role played by Egypt in order to maintain the comprehensive peace agreement signed in 2015 and hence its implementation.

He also voiced appreciation for President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's support for President Salva Kiir during the latest incidents that took place in South Sudan over several months.

Denq also praised the Egyptian contribution to achieving development in his country, especially in the infrastructure field as well as establishing new educational foundations.

As per August 2015 peace agreement, Denq asserted that the deal has contributed to ending all reasons for rebellion and internal fighting, terming it as 'satisfactory" for all conflicting parties.

He made it clear that the agreement stipulations have paved the way for ending war and opening a road for achieving peace and building a modern state, noting that his country is currently training and forming new army units after disarmament of some rebels and integration of others as part of the army formations.

The vice president also noted that armed opposition has positively responded to calls for involving them in the political process in the country, adding that conditions are currently more stable due to the measures taken by the government.

Source: MENA