Uganda's Minister of Water and Environment Sam Cheptori

Uganda's Minister of Water and Environment Sam Cheptoris on Tuesday stressed his country's keenness on boosting relations with Egypt in various fields, adding that Egypt supported his country in several fields over the past years.

During an interview with MENA, minister Cheptoris valued Egypt's efforts exerted in training Ugandan cadres in the water resources field, describing cooperation in various fields as fruitful and constructive.

Egypt has lent a hand to Uganda in building dams, digging water wells, constructing reservoirs, removing weeds as well as overcoming impact of floods, Cheptoris said.

He underlined his country's desire that the Nile basin countries enjoy peace and security and that security is always maintained in Egypt.

The minister cited Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni's latest remarks in this connection.

Meanwhile, Cheptoris said that his country is looking forward to benefiting from the Egyptian expertise in various fields, like meteorology and climate that will top the minister's agenda during his coming visit to Egypt on December 4.

Source: MENA