Head of the political committee of al-Aman party, Eskandar al-Rakek, said the Troika government has managed to save country in different ways: economically and socially. He urged the opposition to stop the disputes and work in favour of the public interest. In an interview with Arabstoday, Eskanadr al-Rakek said that competent people in government should be in charge, regardless of the party or ideology they belong to. Asked about the dreaded return of Bin Ali’s supporters, he said: “We should exclude only those who committed crimes against the people or who were dominant figures in the former regime. Moreover, there should not be ultimate freedom, especially with a group that is not used to the minimum level of freedom. Freedom must be limited to ensure respect and tolerance in society.” Arabstoday: Some talk about a coming cabinet reshuffle, what is the position of your party on this reshuffle? Eskandar al-Rakek: If this reshuffle serves the national interest and makes the government more effective, we will welcome it. AT: The Al-Aman party is a coalition consisted if three parties, how do you see coalitions of political parties that are being formed these days? ER: Al-Aman party was the result of a joint effort to merge three parties in one political entity to be more effective on the political scene as we share the same views. Our party has succeeded in a very short time to attract attention and a good number of members of the constituent council. AT: Many parties called for the criminalisation of the normalisation with the Zionist entity in the constitution, what is your opinion? ER: There is no doubt that the Zionist entity is racist and commits many crimes and massacres against the unarmed Palestinian people. I believe that an anti-normalisation law should be enacted against this entity which has been working with West to enact laws that criminalise any criticism or doubts about the Holocaust.   However, to include this law as an item in the constitution gives the Zionist entity an importance that it doesn’t deserve. We should stop any kind of formal or informal normalisation with this oppressive state which considers immune to international laws and threatens the whole region with its nuclear weapons. We should not forget that they have violated your country’s sovereignty. AT: Many people fear the Islamists and Salafi movements, what are your justifications for that fear? ER: The Salafi group is one of the Islamist movements on the political scene. This is very complicated because the Salafists are divided into many ideas and groups. Some are peaceful and others are extreme in their religious and social views. However, they are part of the Tunisian society and we should accept them and deal carefully and wisely with them to avoid any clashes that may harm the nation. A number of leaders of these movements expressed their belief in a peaceful and organised political practice. AT: What do you think the solution is for Syria? ER: The situation in Syria now is at its climax, it is disastrous on the Syrian people who are being tortured and murdered by a dictatorial and authoritarian regime. I believe that there is no way back at this stage after thousands of dead and injured. Assad’s regime should collapse. He should let those who suffered to enjoy freedom and independence.