Leading member of Sudan’s National Conference Party Rabei Abdel Atty

Leading member of Sudan’s National Conference Party Rabei Abdel Atty described the current position witnessed in the country as suspended due to the delay in the execution of national dialogue’s conference. He stressed that these recommendations have been supposed to be implemented through the formation of a new government under the title “National Accord”.
He criticized the governmental delay to take such a step, saying that it affected the political atmosphere among Sudanese people, blaming the current political suspension for affecting the repercussions of the return of Sudanese politician Al Sadiq Al Mahdi. He added, “Mahdi has strong relations with leaders of the armed movements in Sudan, while we have not seen any notable effect for his moves to achieve peace in the country.
He raised the importance of keeping the political figures inside the country, stressing that there is no justification for moving them outside Sudan during the current critical period. He blamed the current economic crisis for the aggravation of the current situation in the country.
He praised the US decision to lift the sanctions imposed on Sudan, while stressed that its positive results will not take place in an overnight. He signaled that the American sanctions on Sudan continued for 20 years and left negative repercussions on the Sudanese economy.
He added that Sudan is not isolated from the regional developments, stressing that it has been affected by the conflicts witnessed in a number of Arab and Islamic countries, including Syria, Iraq, South Sudan and Yemen.
Regarding relations with Israel, he said, “We have no problem with Jews, as Prophet Mohamed coexisted with them in Almadinah Almonawarah, while the major challenge is the way adopted by the Israeli government in dealing with the Palestinian people.” He underlined the difference between Israel and the U.S, saying that the U.S has Muslim, Jews and Christians and provides them with equal rights, while Israel adopts racist approach with non-Muslims.