Pope Tawadros II

Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Diocese on Saturday asserted that the visit made by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to the church mirrors Egypt's real soul and civilization. 

The pope said that the president has made a very nice surprise to prayers who gathered at the cathedral in Cairo to greet them on the Christmas. 

Also, leaders of the Orthodox Church expressed joy for the visit and the announcement made by the president on restoring all churches affected by terror attacks. 

Speaking to MENA, Coptic Church’s bishop for youth affairs Anba Moussa asserted that Sisi's visit is historic and reflects keen respect for the people. 

On Friday, President El Sisi made a visit to the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo on Christmas celebration attended by the Coptic Pope Tawadros II.

Source: MENA