President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi said Egypt foreign policy is moderate, balanced, open and independent, pointing out that Egypt sets an example in international relations.

Egypt's foreign policy has one face and does not interfere in other countries' affairs and that is what makes the country's relations with the world strong, the Egyptian president said in the second part of his interview with the editors-in-chief of the three daily state-owned newspapers, Al Ahram, Al Akhbar and Al Gomhuria, to be published on Sunday.

The president tackled a number of international, regional and local issues and the principles of Egypt's foreign policy.

The president referred to the Palestinian issue, saying the issue of peace will remain the most important and dangerous one to the future of the region. Throughout the years Egypt has given the Palestinian cause top priority in its foreign policy, the president said, adding that Egypt exerts great efforts to push forward the peace process.

The president said that during his visit to Assuit a few months ago, he called on the Palestinian and Israeli leaderships to revive the peace process. He added that during the UN General Assembly meetings in New York, he sent a direct message to the Israeli people and leadership to start confidence building measures and to join quick negotiations in order to reach a peace agreement on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.

In this interview, I am repeating this call for ending the dispute and establishing peace. We will continue to play a key and pivotal role in the peace issue and seek to reach inter-Palestinian reconciliation and unify stances, the president said.

As for the Syrian crisis, the president said Egypt's stance regarding Syria was clear at the UN Security Council. Egypt's vote went to the French-Spanish resolution and the Russian resolution last week and this was not a contradictory stance, he said. The common denominator in these two resolutions was that they called for a ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian aid to the Syrian people and this is the important thing to the Egyptian state and people, he added.

This was the basis of Egypt's support to these two resolutions regardless of who presented them, the president said.

The president spoke about what some considered as a crisis with Saudi Arabia that erupted following Egypt's voting on the two resolutions and then Saudi ARAMCO Company stopped sending shipments of petroleum products upon a signed contract, saying the issue needs more coordination between Egypt and our brothers in the kingdom in order to clear things up. The shipment is part of a trade agreement signed during a visit to Egypt by Saudi King Salman Ben Abdel Aziz in April, adding that we do not want to blow things out of proportion. Egyptian-Saudi relations are brotherly and strategic and are not affected by anything.

The president expressed thanks and full appreciation to "our brothers in Saudi Arabia" for what they have done to Egypt over the past period, the president said.
President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted in the interview he granted to the three state-owned daily newspapers that Egypt's affiliation to Africa and its relations with the African nations is a main pillar of its foreign policy, adding that ever since he assumed power he has been keen on participating in the African Union summits.

Egypt exerts great efforts in the African Peace and Security Committee, which it chairs, and the committee on climate change, which it also chairs, the president said, adding that Egypt was a loud and effective voice for Africa at the Paris Climate Change conference. Egypt adopts African issues and demands at the UN Security Council through its membership, he added.

The president referred to Egypt's participation in the African economic groupings and hosting of the three African blocs summit in Sharm El Sheikh, in addition to hosting the first grouping of Arab and African parliamentarians in Sharm El Sheikh last week which set up an Arab-African agenda of action.

As for the bilateral level, the president said we enjoy close relations with all African nations, adding that preparations will be made for visits to some African countries he has not visited within the framework of enhancing cooperation between Egypt and the sisterly African states.

Egypt's strong relations with the majority of world nations makes some countries angry and they wish to isolate Egypt and even seek to ruin its relations with Europe, the Gulf, Africa and Ethiopia, the president said.

Egypt enjoys good relations with Ethiopia based on mutual respect and non-interference in each other's affairs, he said, deploring attempts to create a crisis between Egypt and Ethiopia through spreading lies that Egypt is plotting against Ethiopia. The Egyptian policy has only one face, he said, stressing that Egypt has not and never will interfere in the affairs of any state and can never create a conspiracy against any country. I never join hands with anyone and then plot against him, he pointed out.

As I said before the Ethiopian Parliament, there are two options, either cooperation or confrontation and we have chosen cooperation, he said.

Each country deals with another in a way that serves its targets and higher national interests and Egypt interacts with the issues to serve its targets and interests, he said.

The president referred to Egypt's relations with a number of countries including Britain, US, Russia, China and India, saying that he met in New York last month with new British Prime Minister Theresa May. We give time and opportunity to any new leadership to clearly get acquainted with our policies and stances, he said, adding that Egypt understands that Britain is currently facing post-Brexit challenges and seeks to develop its relations with Britain.

Egyptian-US relations are strong and ongoing in various fields, referring to his recent meeting in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meetings with the two presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump with the aim of briefing them with facts about the situation in Egypt. We expounded our views regarding conditions in the region in a way that makes them understand more about them when the winner assumes power, he said. We steer our relations with awareness and objectivity, he stressed. Clinton and Trump expressed appreciation of what has been going on in Egypt over the past couple of years, he added.

Meanwhile, the president said Egypt's relations with Russia is strong and distinguished and Egypt is keen on them within the framework of the balance policy it adopts in its international relations. My relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin is close and our contacts are constant. We met more than once recently, the last of which was during the G-20 summit in China, he added.

As for the return of Russian flights to Egypt, the president said official bodies in both Egypt and Russia are working continuously and Egypt hopes that flights would return soon.

Regarding the nuclear station in Dabaa, the president said negotiations between Egypt and Russia have reached the final stage and a final agreement is expected to be signed before the end of the year.

The president expressed satisfaction with distinguished relations between Egypt and China, adding that China is a sisterly country and supports Egypt in various fields. He thanked the Chinese president for his invitation to take part in the G-20 summit, which took place in China recently. The invitation reflected China's appreciation of Egypt's role and status, the president added.
President Abdel Fattah El Sisi spoke about domestic affairs and his concern with Egyptian youth, saying young people will remain among my priorities. He referred to the Egyptian youth congress to take place in Sharm El Sheikh within days.

He said that ever since he announced the launching of the year of youth during the Egyptian youth day in January, he has been following up periodical reports on the outcome of dialogue with Egyptian youth in more than one thousand youth centers across the country. The presidency now has a youth database of more than 105,000 entries which allows for holding electronic opinion polls.

The youth conference will include open dialogues with representatives of various political currents and various segments of the society as well as workshops on all issues, he said, pointing out that 3,000 youth will be taking part in the event.

Meantime, the president said the political powers in political life and in the parliament are playing a good role and that he supports and encourages them. He called on the media to support and encourage them too.

The House of Representatives has reached an unprecedented achievement during its first parliamentary sessions and had to shoulder a big responsibility, in terms of ratifying a large number of laws and legislation. We have to encourage the Parliament, appreciate it and respect its performance and decisions. It groups a variety of the Egyptian people's segments.

Regarding combating corruption, the president said the country does not tolerate with corruption at all and that he strongly supports the state bodies concerned with confronting and fighting corruption. Egypt's position on the world corruption index jumped eight points from 96 to 88, he said, asserting that the people should be aware that part of the assessment of countries is through monitoring what is being published in the media about the size of corruption and sometimes the information provided and circulated is not verified.
Speaking about warnings issued by the embassies of the US, UK and Canada to their nationals in Egypt that a terrorist attack would take place on October 9, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi told the editors-in-chief of Al Ahram, Al Akhbar and Al Gumhuriya that Contacts were held with these embassies to see the reasons behind such security alerts but they informed us that they were just security precautions.

As for the resumption of Russian flights to Egypt, Sisi termed as strong and distinguished Egypt's relations with Russia, saying the bodies concerned in both countries are maintaining contacts as regards the resumption of flights.

He voiced hope that Russian flights to Egypt would be resumed as quickly as possible.

Russia suspended flights to Egypt after the October 31 crash of a Russian plane in Sinai with 224 people on board. 

Sisi denied media reports about the establishment of foreign military bases on Egyptian territories, saying these are groundless reports.

There will never be a military base of Russia or any other country on Egyptian lands, Sisi said. 

Some media outlets have spoken of the construction of a Russian air base in Sidi Barani, located near Egypt’s Mediterranean coast line.

About home issues, Sisi stressed that war against corruption is going on, saying we will never cover up for any corrupt.

He added that he still believes that Prime Minister Sherif Ismail is the most competent man to assume the post, saying this man is working during a critical stage that is full of challenges.

In figures, Sisi said State revenues in the 2016/2017 budget hit 670 billion pounds against 974 billion pounds in spending.

If we continue like this, we will not be able to meet our basic needs in the future, so we need reforms to increase revenues and cut down spending, he said.

The president stressed that reforms are much needed now for a better future. We want reforms but at the same time we will do our best so that subsidies would reach the needy.

At the end, Sisi warned that overpopulation is still a serious challenge to development. We need to increase economic growth to over 7.2 percent annually so that the citizens would feel a progress.

Source: MENA