Sudan’s Ambassador to Cairo Abdel Halim Mahmoud

Sudan’s Ambassador to Cairo Abdel Halim Mahmoud praised the political talks conducted between Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his Sudanese counterpart Ibrahim Ghandor days ago, describing them as positive and important to support the bilateral relations between the two countries during the coming period.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the visit of Shoukry to Khartoum performed a major role to improve relations between the two countries during the recent period after a period of tension. He welcomed the results of political consultations held between the two officials, saying that they perform a major role to resolve the pending issues regarding political and economic issues.

He expressed his aspiration that the political talks will lead to the restoration of vital relations between the two countries during the coming period, stressing the need for resuming cooperation between the two countries as soon as possible on the basis on common interests and mutual respect.

He stressed that the two countries should work not to allow tensions dominate their relations, saying that the two peoples bet on cordial relations between the two countries to pave the way for more cooperation in different fields. He blamed the media channels for working to fuel the current state of tension, saying that such approach does not serve the interests of two countries.

He added that the two countries should resume dialogue over the pending issues through the diplomatic formal channels away from the media channels and newspapers. He stressed that the two countries have differences, calling the leaders to work to find compromise over the issues of difference.

He added that the two countries should work together to find solutions for the pending issues as soon as possible, underlining Halaib case. He said that it is one of the major issues that perform a major role to raise tension between the two countries. He called the Egyptian government for taking serious steps to suspend its individual step to pave the way for holding negotiations during the coming period