Sabah Abdul Majeed

President of "Nahno Houna"(We are here) Foundation for Relief and Development Sabah Abdul Majeed, confirmed that Taiz  lives in difficult humanitarian situation, and the suffering of the citizen increases every day, in this stricken province.

"There are cases of mass displacement and forced displacement of citizens, like what happened in the villages of al-Wazaiea and al-kdhaa, where some families were fed on a tree called "Alafiq" as a staple food," she said in exclusive interview with Arabs Today.

"The sleeping accommodations of their children is a drill-like tombs to ensure that children keep warm in the open areas, and that the country's displaced adequate areas and who have been enjoying stable life in their homes and lands find themselves overnight forced to evacuate their homes and also detonated," she added.

Abdul Majeed noted that their displacement was to escape the senseless killing machine that affect everyone, without distinction between a man and a woman, and between a child and an elderly, and they are staying today in schools with no food.

She indicated that Taiz lives a catastrophic situation, in light of ignoring the official bodies and external organizations for the suffering of the citizens and basic needs in this province, in addition to the non-receipt of salaries, which doubled the suffering.
Concerning the health status,  the president of the foundation said that it's almost there is no health, in the light of the closure of public hospitals, which is the only shelter for the simple citizen, who cannot afford to go to private hospitals, also the lack of drugs, especially for chronic diseases.

The environmental situation, the accumulation of garbage and spread of many diseases such as cholera, malaria and dengue, as well as the lack of counter medicines for these epidemics and diseases and the closure of dialysis departments led to an increase in the number of deaths among patients with renal failure, she stated.

She noted that the citizen in Taiz province suffers from the lack of safe drinking water, although there are some organizations and initiatives are providing, but there is no continuity and no control over the water desalination plants.

Abdul Majeed called the official bodies represented by the legitimate government, the coalition and external organizations, to look at this province and to do their humanitarian duty towards the suffering of the citizens in Taiz, which is suffering from the blockade, murder, starvation and displacement.