US secretary of state John kerry

US State Secretary John Kerry said that differences between Riyadh and Tehran would not hinder efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis.

At his daily press briefing, Kerry said "on Syria, we remain extremely focused on our diplomatic effort to de-escalate the conflict, to achieve a political transition, to marginalize the terrorists, and to enable the safe return of refugees".

"Negotiations between the (Syrian) government and opposition are still scheduled to begin on January 25th in Geneva, and all indications are, in both my conversation with Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir of Saudi Arabia and my conversation with (Iranian) Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, they both assured us and others that the differences between them at this moment expressed very publicly will not interfere with their willingness to work cooperatively in an effort to resolve Syria. And that is important".

"Support for the Syria peace process remains strong," he stressed.

Source: MENA

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