The committee’s Chairperson Ahmed Said

Egyptian House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee strongly rebuked U.S Department of States for its recent report to discuss the human rights situation in the country.

The committee’s Chairperson Ahmed Said described the American report as contrary to fact, stressing that the Egyptian government exerted increasing efforts to support human rights since the draft of 2014 constitution. He added that international organization and the U.S State Department depend on false information coming from Muslim Brotherhood media channels.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, the reports condemning Egypt’s human right situation are based on individual actions adopted by some elements in the Interior Ministry, stressing the governmental keenness to investigate in any violations committed by any officials.

Said called the international community for coordinating with Egypt to combat terrorism during the coming period, saying that they turn to condemn what they describe as human right violations instead of supporting the country’s efforts to eliminate the extremist groups.