Iraqi parliamentarian Khaled Al Assadi

Iraqi parliamentarian Khaled Al Assadi revealed the intention of Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Nayef is scheduled to visit Baghdad in the near future after the coming visit of Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi to Riyadh. He added that the visit will come in the framework of a number of tours scheduled to be held by the Gulf leaders to turn a new page with Iraqi after the recent victories achieved against ISIS.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the visit conducted by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir to Baghdad came to prepare for the coming visit scheduled to be held by Abadi to the kingdom. He added that the Iraqi official received a formal invitation to visit Riyadh followed by a visit from Saudi crown prince to Baghdad.

The Iraqi official stressed that Jubeir’s visit comes in the framework of the moves aiming to achieve regional unification to confront the common threats, saying that they regional powers should exert their efforts to resolve their differences during the coming period. He blamed the tension between the regional powers for the threats undermining the regional security and stability.

He added, “Even Saudi Arabia feels the blackmailing attempts of the international powers, including the U.S so there is a need for improving its relations with its regional partners to overcome the current challenges.” He stressed that the Iraqi doors are open for all friends and brothers, stressing the need for cooperation to achieve common interests.

“In Iraq, we refuse the policy of alliances. We also refuse the attempts to turn our country as arena for regional conflicts. We demand the Saudi government to suspend the flow of extremists to our country,” said the Iraqi parliamentarian. He stressed that there are a lot of fighters loyal to ISIS coming from Saudi.

He stressed that the Saudi Arabia calls the foreign powers not to interfere in the Iraqi internal affairs, while its former Ambassador to Baghdad Thamer Al Sabahan was adopting biased position from the Iraqi parties and was delivering statements far from the diplomacy and politics.

Regarding the Saudi calls for containing the Iranian influence in Iraq, he said that the Iranian role in Iraq is not a new phenomenon, as the Iraqi Shiites and Kurds have not found shelter to protect them from the brutality of Saddam Hussein’s regime except Iran. He added that the Iraqi confidence in Tehran came as a result of the humanitarian position adopted by the Iranian government towards them.

He continued, “There is no country, including the U.S, can demand the Iraqis to cut their relation with Tehran, as the Iranian role is accepted by the Iraqis themselves. Iran has the longest borders with the country. We also have common history and culture. Such demands to cut our relations with Iran come in the framework of political procrastination blackmailing.”

However, the Iraqi politician praised the visit of Jubeir saying that it could open the door for dialogue between the two countries. He stressed the need for exerting more efforts to bridge the gap of difference between the two countries during the coming period.