Egyptian MP Mustafa Kamal Hussein

Egyptian parliamentarian Mustafa Kamal Hussein expressed his anger over the approach adopted by both the Egyptian government and parliament, saying that the Egyptian citizen faces consecutive shocks due to the random decisions taken by the government. He described the parliamentary decision to drop the membership of MP Anwar Al Sadat as an attempt to silence the opposition.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, “The Egyptian people suffer from consecutive shocks, as they face a large number of crises.” He praised the decisions taken by Egypt’s Minister of Supply Ali Al Mesilhy, saying that they came to protect the public funds.

However, he said, the government is demanded to consider the situation before taking any decisions, saying that the current critical period witnessed in the country does not tolerate any attempt to take risk. He warned that any wrong decisions could be used by the Muslim Brotherhood to destabilize the country during the coming period.

He expressed sympathy with the Egyptian citizen, saying that he is besieged with burdens. He called the government for giving the priority to the interests of the Egyptian citizen before taking the difficult decisions.

he said that there were a number of ministers who did not perform well during their tenure in the light of the increasing prices and shortage of commodities, saying that they called for the ministerial reshuffle as the only way to save the country from the economic crisis. He praised the new ministers, saying that they enjoy the efficiency to contain the current economic problems.

He added, “We, as parliamentarian, remain supervising the performance of the government. We would demand its dismissal if the ministers failed to meet the aspirations of the Egyptian people.”

Regarding to MP Anwar Al Sadat, he said that Sadat’s parliamentary membership came after a campaign of smear, saying that most of those parliamentarians who voted for the decision did so to compliment the majority coalition. He added that such approach aims to terrorize the members who could criticize the executive authority.

He called the Egyptian parliamentarians for accepting the opposition, saying that the presence of opposition is the only way to build the country. He blamed the parliament for not discussing a number of sensitive issues, including the car crisis, while focused on Sadat crisis.