Ambassador Habib Al Sadr

Iraq's Ambassador to Cairo Habib Al Sadr the first shipment of oil from his country is scheduled to reach to Cairo within days, according to the agreement concluded between the two countries. He added that the technical committee from Cairo and Baghdad work to execute the agreement.

He added, in an interview with "Arabs Today", that Egypt signed an agreement with Iraq to obtain one million barrels of oil on monthly basis, saying that the agreement reflects the strong relations between the two countries.

He stressed that his country appreciates Egypt's keenness to support Iraq during its fight against terrorism despite the critical conditions witnessed in Egypt during the recent years. He added that the two countries work together to confront the security challenges facing them.

He underlined the cooperative efforts between the two countries to eliminate terrorism, signalling to the meetings conducted between the security officials from the two countries during the recent months.

Cooperation between the two countries will not be limited to the security and economic sides, said Al Sadr, as it will extend to the social side. He added that the Iraqi government aspires to the participation of Egyptian labors in rebuilding the areas liberated from ISIS.

He added that a number of Iraqi investors look forward to work in Egypt during the coming period. He added, "We hope that the Egyptian government allows them enter the Egyptian market in the near future."

Regarding the crisis between Iraq and Turkey, Al Sadr said that League of Arab States performs a major role to end this crisis, saying that Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi is keen to keep relations with Turkey.

He stressed that his country takes the peaceful ways to resolve this crisrs in coordination with League of Arab States