Altaher Binbaibash

Chairperson of Algeria's New Dawn Party Altaher Binbaibash revealed that his party decided to participate in the coming parliamentary elections scheduled to be held on May 4, stressing that they were keen to nominate the efficient members who can meet the aspirations of the Algerian people during the coming period.

He added, in a statement to "Arabs Today", that his party nominated the best of its members to run for the coming parliamentary elections, saying that most of their candidates served as members of the parliament during previous rounds and former officials in the Algerian government. He added that they enjoy good experience in the public work.

He added that his party's electoral campaign will focus on presenting their economic program and their vision to improve the current economic and social situation witnessed in the country during the current critical period. He added that they will also focus on launching campaigns to increase the public awareness over the importance of participating in the coming elections. He stressed the need for eliminating the phenomenon of electoral abstention.

The Algerian politician called the people for choosing their representatives in a democratic and transparent way through voting during the coming parliamentary elections. He added that the people's participation is the only way to confront the attempts to falsify the results of the elections in the favor of specific party at the expense of others in a peaceful and civilized way.

He stressed that the Algerian authorities should perform a major role to prevent any attempts to undermine the coming elections and to ensure their integrity. He added that the government should work to prevent any violations during the electoral process in the light of the current critical situation.

He pointed out to the recent violations committed by other political parties during the formation of their electoral lists, saying that these violations will leave major repercussions on the results of the coming parliamentary elections. He added that the Algerian authorities do not need to make statements to ensure the integrity of the coming elections, while they need to take serious steps. He added that the matter is related to the political will.

He added that the integrity of the coming elections will pave the way for the country to overcome the current critical financial and economic situation witnessed in the country. He blamed the Algerian government for the current situation saying that it comes as a result of its failure to find serious solutions for the current challenges facing the country.

He ruled out that the country will witness any notable change on the political level after the current elections, saying that the country witness simple changes in the light of the current coalitions between the Islamist parties.