Member Tayseer Khaled

Member of Executive Committee of Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Tayseer Khaled rebuked the attempts adopted by the U.S Administration to reach an agreement with the Israeli government over the settlements in the absence of the Palestinian side. He called the U.S Administration for respecting the International law over the Israeli settlement activities in the West Bank.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the Israeli policies have been based on controlling the widest possible space of the Palestinian territories and to turn their sources to serve the interests of the Israeli policies at the expense of the Palestinian people. He stressed the need for confronting the aggressive policies adopted by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people.

He stressed the need for conducting a dialogue with the American Administration to suspend its clear position supporting the Israeli government, saying that the current administration resumes the policies of previous administrations that are based on dealing with Israel as exceptional state. He called for resolving the Palestinian issue upon the decisions taken by the United Nations.

He added that the Palestinian National Fund will resume its national and humanitarian commitment towards the families of the Palestinian prisoners and martyrs. He criticized the statements issued by Israeli officials describing the Palestinian fund as a terrorist organization, adding that the statement came in the framework of the attempts adopted by the Israeli officials to blackmail the Palestinian leadership.

He praised the recent visits conducted by the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to a number of Arab states, saying that these visits aimed to form a unified Arab position from the Palestinian issue before the launch of the coming Arab Summit held in Amman on March 29.

He stressed that Abbas focused during the summit on the necessity of holding a serious dialogue with the American Administration over the future of the peace process. He added that the Palestinian Authority does not adopt a position against the negotiation with Israel, while it insists on holding serious talks on the basis of the two-state solution.

On the other hand, He warned Hamas of any potential steps to form an independent commission to manage the Gaza Strip, saying that such a step meets the aspiration of the Israeli government that works to separate the Gaza strip from the West Bank. He stressed that such position serves the Israeli interests not to commit to the two-state solution.

He added that the current moves taken by Hamas supports the Israeli government headed by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to challenge the two-state solution and to undermine any opportunity aiming to achieve the peace process. He called Hamas movement for paying attention to such plans that should be confronted by a unified Palestinian position.