Palestinian official says Palestinian Nakba still exists

Secretary General of the Christian Islamic Organization in support of Jerusalem Hana said that the Nakba of Palestine is not an incident that has happened and ended, but it is a catastrophe that exists until this moment.
He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the daily violations committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people are considered a daily nakba. He rebuked the Nakba law scheduled to be issued by the Israeli authorities, saying that it undermines the Israeli democracy, describing it as one of racial laws.
He stressed, “The Nakba Law is part of an atmosphere to suppress the Nakba narrative and a discussion of the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees. These are right-wing, anti-democratic efforts [that] continue to create an atmosphere of fear and suppress this issue from the public discourse.”
He added that it is anti-democratic, unconstitutional, and extremely detrimental to freedom of expression and of peaceful demonstration in Israel. Furthermore, he added, if the law is passed, it is not likely to increase the "loyalty" of Palestinian citizens of Israel, but rather could lead to an increase in separatism and extremism among this population.
He added that that the political, economic, social infrastructure of the Palestinian people has been destroyed in 1948, as the Palestinian citizens turned into refugees in all over the world. He called the international community for taking serious steps to support the legal rights of the Palestinian people and to pressure Israel to suspend its violations.
He added, “Israel is well aware that the issue of mutual recognition has ended since the signing of the document of mutual recognition by the former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin with the late President Abu Ammar in 1993.” He added that Rabin recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, while the Palestinian president recognized of Israel's right to exist.
He described Netanyahu’s insistence on Palestinian recognition of Israel as the state of Jewish people is to support racial discrimination against the Arab citizens of Israel, saying that he also aims to deprive Palestinians inside the Green Line of their right to exist