Talaat Abdel Qawi

President of the General Federation of Associations and NGOs Talaat Abdel Qawi revealed that a joint committee of anti-corruption was formed to handle the problems monitored in a number of non-governmental organizations.
He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the committee held its first meeting in the headquarters of the General Union of NGOs to discuss the proposals to eliminate corruption in the country during the coming period.
He stressed keenness of the UN to support Egypt in fighting corruption and combating crime, as well as drug smuggling by providing technical and institutional support, in addition to expertise to implement its priorities in these areas.
He explained that the UN supports the national policies and practices, which aim to combat corruption, crime, drugs and terrorism, as well as enhancing regional and international cooperation in these areas.
Furthermore, the UN provides research, data analysis and experience on global, regional and national approaches to combating crime, she pointed out. The UN trained prosecutors to combat violence against women, in cooperation with the European Union, he added.
He mentioned that, since 2011, Egypt has been experiencing a continuous worsening of the trade deficit to reach KD 3878.9 million in March 2017 compared to JD 2466 million during the same period of the previous year, and the trade deficit with Turkey increased making Tunisia comes second after China.
He added that, these amounts of money reflects an anarchic manifestation of the Tunisian economy, since the volume of imports approximately equals the smuggled sold goods in the Tunisian markets, and this phenomena is far more dangerous to the economy than smuggling itself.