The Iraqi foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, has told Arabstoday that the Iranian group Mujahidi Khalq\'s stay in Iraq\'s Liberty Camp in Iraq is \"temporary and transitional\", and that foreign states were required to accept the resettlement of camp residents to their countries in line with their previous commitments. The comments came after a meeting between the foreign minister and Biat Schwiser, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Iraq, in which the Iraqi mission programme was reviewed. \"The meeting saw discussions about inspection operations which are looking for Iraqi and Iranian Missing In Action (MIA) bodies in the Fao and Majnoon areas, as well as the tripartite committee which includes Iraqi-Iranian-ICRC activities,\" Zebari said to Arabstoday. The minister also revealed that he had reviewed the results of the Iraqi-Kuwaiti talks during the second round of meetings of the Supreme Ministerial Committee, especially the humanitarian aspect. Zebari confirmed that Iraqi-Kuwaiti cooperation continues, especially for the search for Kuwaiti MIA and confiscated properties, adding that a number of proposals were submitted to continue the inspections. Zebari also referred the issue to be addressed bilaterally, even though it was carried out under the supervision of the ICRC or UNAMI. The Iraqi foreign minister also met Maritseo Babel on Sunday, who is UNICEF\'s new representative in Iraq. Zebari said that both sides discussed the joint Iraqi programme for the period 2011-2014, as well as the development donation and importance of updating public policies in basic service sectors which affect children\'s lives; education, health, nutrition, water, sanitation. Iraq\'s position in achieving its Millennium Development Goals in 2015 were also tackled, in addition to issues of malnutrition and fatality rates among children under the age of five. The minister also stressed the Iraqi government\'s keenness to support UNICEF efforts to achieve the required cordination needed with the competent ministries.