Egyptian MP Nidal Al Saeed

Egyptian MP Nidal Al Saeed said that Electronic crime is not limited to social networking sites, but will include theft of research, articles and credit cards.
He stressed that the draft cybercrime law was in the form of sanctions only, so it is necessary to raise the awareness of citizens and explain the basics of computer use.
He stressed the importance of raising the public awareness among the citizens over the way to deal with social media networks, saying that it would have a positive impact in reducing cybercrime, and helps them not to slip behind rumors that seek to destroy the Egyptian society.
On the other hand, he revealed that the budget of Egypt’s parliament witnessed notable increase by over 150 million EGP, blaming the government for the decline of the financial budget allocated for important sectors in the country, including health and education. He also criticized the performance of Egypt’s parliament for not giving priority to the major issues of the Egyptian citizen.
He stressed that the Egyptian citizens face increasing problems on both social and economic levels, while the government and other executive officials focus on executing specific agendas that are not related to the life of the Egyptian people. He stressed that the government failed to achieve any progress regarding the economic position of the Egyptian people.
The Egyptian parliamentarian praised the performance of the government in dealing with the foreign relation with the other countries, saying that the Egyptian government managed to achieve notable success to restore relations with the U.S and to impose its vision in a number of international issues, including the Syrian crisis, Yemeni conflict and Iraqi developments.
However, he said, the government failed to achieve the same regarding the economic issue, blaming the government for the current economic problems facing the Egyptian citizens during the current period. He warned of the repercussions of the current situation, saying that the government should work seriously to find serious solutions for the current crisis.
He added that, re-running suspended factories and small workshops will be a great help in developing the industrial sector, establishing a high value and increasing exports’ rate. He said that the division is working to increase the local material in industries especially in cars, to reduce the dollar consumption, and there has been a great cooperation to achieve this idea.