MP Mohamed Fouad

Egyptian parliamentarian Mohamed Fouad said that the visit of Egypt's President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to Washington will represent a turning point in the relations between the two countries during the coming period. He stressed that the U.S-Egyptian relations will be stronger under American President Donald Trump.

He added that the relations between the two countries witnessed notable deterioration during the era of former administration of President Barak Obama due to its position from June 30 uprising and its support for Muslim Brotherhood's regime. He added that Obama's support for the Muslim Brotherhood performed a major role to the deterioration witnessed in the relations between the two countries.

The Egyptian parliamentarian stressed that the relations between the two countries will witness notable progress under Trump due to the convergence of visions between the Egyptian government on one hand and the U.S Administration on the other hand. He stressed that the similarity between the positions of both presidents strongly appeared during their meeting on the sideline of the meetings of the U.N General Assembly last September.

He expected that the visit will lead to a unified position towards the ways to confront extremism and terrorism in the Middle East regarding the crises witnessed in Syria, Iraq, Libya and the Palestinian issue. He added that Washington realizes the importance of Egypt as one of the major regional powers that ensure stability and security of the region. He added that the visit will also witness the conclusion of a number of economic agreements that will benefit the economic situation in the country.

He praised the speech that President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi delivered during his participation in the recent Arab Summit held in Amman, saying that it came to prove Egypt's return to the heart of political scene in the Middle East after years of attempts from many regional and international powers to move it away in the light of internal developments witnessed in the country during the recent years.

The Egyptian parliamentarian praised the meeting between Egypt's President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi and Saudi King Abdullah on the sideline of the summit, saying that such a meeting provides a clear response to the rumors over the deterioration witnessed in the relations between the two countries during the recent period.

On the economic side, he called the parliament to pass the legislations aiming to support the investments as soon as possible, stressing the need for working to attract the foreign investments as the only way to revive the Egyptian economy during the coming period and to resolve the economic problems.