Nabil Bin Abdullah

Director General of Morocco’s Progress and Socialism Party Nabil Bin Abdullah said that he was hoping that King Mohammed VI would allow Abdelilah Benkirane resume his role as the country’s prime minister, saying that the royal decision comes to send an implicit message to his successor.
He added that his party expressed support for Bankiran’s appointment as the country’s prime minister after their success to gain the majority of parliamentary seats in October, adding that they exerted a lot of efforts to convince the different parties to reach a compromise and to form the new government.
He added that he supported Bankiran during his efforts to form the new government, praising the royal decision to choose another leader of Justice and Development Party for the formation of the new government. He said that the decision comes to respect the Moroccan constitution and the will the Moroccans expressed during the recent parliamentary elections.
He stressed his respect to the former prime minister, describing him as a statesman. He expressed hope that the country will overcome the current critical moment. He stressed the need for forming the new cabinet as soon as possible, saying that the new government should reflect the people’s will on one hand and respect the constitution and democratic system on the other hand.