
Adviser of European Centre for counter-terrorism and intelligence Abdel Kareem Khalaf revealed that a state of total collapse dominates ISIS extremist group due to the killing of thousands of its elements during the recent operations launched by the Iraqi army to liberate Mousl.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the military forces who liberated eight villages during the first hours of the military operations launch to liberate the city’s right bank were the same forces who managed to liberate the left bank. He added that the Iraqi troops will succeed to achieve their objectives faster than the previous phases.

He revealed, “The extremist group suffers from a state of moral collapse due to the increasing losses on the humanitarian level during the consecutive rounds of battle since the launch of military operations in October. They also suffer from the increasing material destruction, as the Iraqi troops managed to destroy a large number of laboratories to make explosive and to seize large amounts of weapons and missiles controlled by the group.”

He praised the efforts exerted by the military forces not only to achieve the military plans aiming to liberate the Iraqi areas from the grip of the extremist group but also to protect the civilians and save them from the extremist militias. He underlined the coordination between the Iraqi forces and the other armed group participating in the fight against the extremists.

He added that the Iraqi troops executed pre-emptive operations in a number of areas in the Western side of the second largest city in Iraq, including Kherbet Al Jahsh and Sharia, saying that the operations led to the killing of over 20 extremists. He pointed out to the role performed by the International Coalition, saying that it targeted important sites related to the extremist group and killed a large number of extremist leaders.