Member of Anbar Provincial Council Hamid Al-Dalimi

Iraqi Anbar Provincial Council appealed to the central government to restore the control of the "five Kilo" west of Ramadi, declaring the siege of more than 4,000 families trapped in Qaim district west of Anbar are prevented by elements of ISIS extremist group, urging them to leave their areas where the militants use them as human shields.
Member of Anbar Provincial Council Hamid Al-Dalimi said, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that more than 4 thousand families are trapped in the district of Qaim west of Anbar, they are prevented by elements of an organization calling out from their areas where the gunmen use the organization human shields, noting that 160 families fled the city of Qaim border with Syria a few days ago.
He added that the families are calling on the prime minister to intervene immediately and urgently to save them after they have run out of water and food, adding that "there is deterioration in the health situation in children and the elderly due to increasing temperatures and lack of shelter.
He revealed that security forces do not allow them to enter the hospital or its market for medication or shopping, adding that than 4,000 families, mostly children, women and the elderly, are trapped in the Qaim district of the border with Syria and prevented from leaving their homes by the extremist cells related to ISIS.
He added that the extremist group killed dozens of civilians in the district of Qaim west of Anbar by firing, cutting heads and burning alive on charges of communicating with Iraqi forces or cooperating with clan fighters and families there are filled with tragic situations.
He said that the battles of the liberation of the western regions were greatly delayed by the battles of Mosul, which ended and the military units have not moved to the cities of the Upper Euphrates until now. He warned of the intention of "urging" the attack on the liberated areas in Anbar province and the neighboring provinces from the valley of Horan under his control.
He added, “The information available to us confirms that ISIS is planning an attack on Anbar and its neighboring provinces starting from the Hawran Valley under the control of extremist elements,” warning that  the survival of the Huran Valley without liberation poses a danger to the safe areas.