British Ambassador to Cairo John Casson

British Ambassador to Cairo John Casson revealed that his country continues to work with Egypt on the return of British flights to Sharm el-Sheikh as soon as possible according to the agreed plan between the two countries after the suspension of flights in October 2015 after the Russian plane crash in central Sinai.

Casson said in an interview with Arabs Today that his country continues to work with Egypt to promote economic situation through the resumption of flights to Sharm el-Sheikh, and Britain has increased flights to various Egyptian places with an average of 41 flights a week, including Hurghada, Cairo, Marsa Alam, Luxor and Aswan, but it is still pending for the Sharm el-Sheikh until the implementation of the agreed plan with Egypt.

He noted that his country had implemented the agreed items in the resumption of flights to Sharm El Sheikh Plan and has taken important steps in that plan, however, there are some points had not been completed until now. In terms of cooperation with Egypt on the situation in Libya and the fight against illegal immigration, Casson stressed that the absence of a unified government in Libya contributes to inflame the situation and increase illegal immigration rates.

Casson explained that his country is cooperating with Egypt in illegal immigration file, through offering funds valued at EGP 33m designed to deal with the root of the problem and facilitators for illegal migration.  The project aims to develop the concerned authorities to combat non-immigration skills legitimacy and human trafficking in Egypt and create opportunities for people at risk because they are victims of these crimes, and so over the next three years.

On the UK approach to dealing with illegal immigration, the British ambassador said that his country is working on a comprehensive approach to confront the phenomenon at its roots and by giving opportunities for people to build a better future and to address the smuggling gangs, and the development of the economy is an important part of empowering people and giving them opportunities and alternatives for trips serious immigration, He pointed out that Britain is committed to allocating 1% of GDP to international development aid, and allocates nearly $ 5 billion each year to tackle poverty in Africa.

In regard with military relations between the two countries, Casson confirmed that the Chief of Staff of the Egyptian army conducted a recent visit to Britain, during which he discussed military cooperation and training of officers to deal with the grenades, which spread in Egypt during the recent period, pointing out that the relations between his country and Egypt is going well.