Hemin Horami, senior assistant of Kurdistan's president

Kurdistan's government stressed that they are close to achieve their dream to establish their independent state, while it denied any intention to use any brutal or bloody approach to achieve their objective. It stressed the need for using the peaceful ways to achieve this dream through patient negotiating process with the Iraqi government. It added that they will hold a referendum for the Kurdish people to decide their destiny as soon as possible.
Hemin Horami, senior assistant of Kurdistan's president, said, in a statement to "Arabs Today", that the referendum will be conducted in the near future to brief the world on the desire of Kurdish people to build their independent state. He added that the Kurdish authorities will organize the referendum under the sponsorship of the United Nations.
He clarified that Kurdistan's government takes into account the issues related to the Kurdish dream, saying that they also calculate the international and regional response to any such action during the coming period.
He stressed that the Kurdish government, president and parties agree that it is difficult for them to remain under the Iraqi flag during the coming period, adding that the future of the Iraqi state is dominated by tensions and mystery. He refused the accusations against the Kurds of seeking to separate from Iraq, saying that they were not a part of the country.
He stressed that they still wait the suitable opportunity to announce their independence from the Iraqi state, stressing that Kurds became a major part of the political, military and security equation in the Middle East.
He blamed the consecutive Iraqi government for their political approach against the Kurds during the recent years, saying that they faced persecution and marginalization since 2003. He added that they faced genocide and excessive use of chemical weapons against their districts.
He added that the government of Kurdistan was aspiring to build a new Iraq based on democracy, diversity and serious partnership, while the Iraqi government failed to achieve any of these objectives.
He revealed that they discussed the issue of separation with Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi, and the leaders of International Coalition led by the U.S, stressing their keenness to protect the Iraqi borders. They expressed their optimism over the results of these negotiations.
He added, "We did not occupy any of the Arab territories. It is our land since 1921. The Kurds are existed on their land since then." He called the Kurdish people for deciding their destiny in a democratic process, demanding the Arab people to realize that the Kurds are a part of the solution not the problem.
He denied what was raised over the U.S permission to the Kurds to take steps to achieve independence, saying that the matter is not related to any American role, while it is the first time for the Kurds to participate in the political game in the Middle East.
He added that there are differences between the Kurdish parties, saying that Kurdistan's President issued a statement to change the presidency of parliament and to reform the government and to hold presidential elections in the near future.
He added that they plan to establish their own state on the Iraqi territories, saying that they have no strategy to establish the new-born state on any of the Turkish, Syrian, or Iranian territories, stressing that the Iraqi Kurds have different culture and political norms.