Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi said Saturday his government was determined to confront the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL), and that Iraq would not lose the war against the terrorist group but "the road to that objective is long." ISIL is not only threatening Iraq but the entire world, which required collaboration of countries around the globe to fight it, Al-Abadi said in a speech before Munich Security Conference (MSC).
He said Iraq needed international assistance to confront ISIL, which was capable of luring many youths.
Al-Abadi said Iraq intensified cooperation with Western intelligent agencies that led to the discovery of a network recruiting youths to joint terrorist groups.
He said the Kurdish Peshmerga forces needed armament and training, as well as support of people in Mosul in order to liberate the Iraqi city from the hands of ISIL.
Al-Abadi said Iraq has very good relations with Iran, which was a "strong and neighboring country ... We are happy to have non-Arab countries on our borders like Iran and Turkey, and Iran considers ISIL an enemy that is why it is fighting this group."
Source: KUNA