Donald Trump

Donald Trump, who will be the Republican candidate for U.S. president in the November election, has said he would be willing to speak to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un if he is elected president. 
The United States has no diplomatic relations with North Korea and an American head of state has never met with a North Korean leader. 
The U.S. has been part of on-and-off six party talks with Pyongyang over the years but the talks broke off in 2009 after the North tested a nuclear weapon. The four other parties are China, Japan, Russia and South Korea
North Korea has conducted four nuclear weapons tests, the last time in January. The first three tests brought a heavier round of U.S. and U.N. economic and diplomatic sanctions. 
Last week North Korea, which says its nuclear capability is purely defensive, offered to agree to a non-first use pledge with the U.S. but the offer was ignored. North Korea has said it would be willing to negotiate an end to its nuclear program if the U.S. and South Korea signed a peace treaty to end the Korean War and halt their annual, joint war games. 
Fighting stopped in the war in 1953 but there has never been a formal end to the conflict. 
The Clinton administration in the 1990s opened diplomatic engagement with the North, sending then U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Pyongyang. But the administration of George W. Bush that took over in 2000 ended the talks. 
Trump, who has surprised all experts by winning the Republican nomination, has charted an unorthodox and at times contradictory foreign policy. He has spoken against U.S. military intervention and regime change but has surrounded himself with interventionist advisers. 
Trump has touted his negotiating ability from the real estate business, which has made him a billionaire, as his greatest skill and he said he would use it in dealing with the North Koreans.  He also said he'd work to get China to press the North to give up its nuclear arsenal. 
Trump made his remarks about meeting Kim in an interview with the Reuters news agency on Tuesday.

Source: QNA