Member of Hamas political Bereau Samy Khater

Member of Hamas political Bereau Samy Khater praised the role performed by the Egyptian government to achieve the Palestinian reconciliation during the latest period, saying that Hamas is keen to achieve reconciliation with Fatah as soon as possible to serve the interests of the Palestinian people.
Palestinian national unity government will appoint the security forces and will manage the crossing once it is established, saying that the position of the dismissed leader of the Fatah movement, Mohammed Dahlan in the Gaza Strip, will be determined by the government.
He added, “Frankly, we felt that there was no political decision to achieve reconciliation from Fatah. Now if there is political will from power, many problems will be resolved soon, including the sanctions imposed on Gaza through non-payment of funds for health, education and energy sectors.”
He said that the new American administration did not present or announce the shape and content of the new initiative or the deal of the century that President Donald Trump talked about, noting that the American envoy for peace, Gerald Kouchner, in his recent visit and meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas, asked for a four-month deadline to prepare a clear plan to achieve peace.
He added that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed that the Palestinian leadership will not accept any initiative except on the basis of the two-state solution to establish the Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967.
He pointed out to the obstacles that the Israeli government is putting in the direction of any solution to the peace through the continuation of its aggressive practices towards the Palestinians with settlement projects in the occupied West Bank and Judaization in Jerusalem.