Dr. Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa

Islam stipulates that human relations should be based on nothing but humanity; no other criteria, be it religious or otherwise, is given weight in measuring the value of humans, Egypt’s Minister of Endowments, Dr. Mohamed Mokhtar Goma'a, said.

He was speaking at a lecture at the Ramadan Majlis of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Sheikh Mohamed attended the lecture, accompanied by a number of Sheikhs and senior officials.

In the lecture titled, "Protecting Society Against Extremism", Dr. Goma’a said the fight against extremism should not only be directed against the extremist groups but also their misguided ideologies. "Any state can eradicate one extremist group here and there, but without eradicating their ideologies they will always spring back up and become even stronger than before," said Dr. Goma’a.

Dr. Goma’a argued that the governments and other institutions should start the fight against terrorism by preventing extremist scholars from brainwashing the young in primary schools, high schools and universities.

"We should teach our children the sanctity of human beings and that according to Prophetic tradition no one should be harmed because of their religious affiliation," he said, adding that the Quran stated that the only way for humans is to exist in diversity.

He said extremist groups are the antithesis of religious tolerance and diversity. "Fighting extremism is a religious duty upon all of us because extremism is detrimental to Islam and Islamic societies," he said.

On the issue of calling others apostates, Dr. Goma’a said that Islamic scholars have laid down strict rules relating to calling a Muslim an apostate and that any ex-communication should only be done by a court of law and not by individuals. He pointed out that one could be guilty of 99 things that would render him a potential apostate according to tradition, but if he has a single deed that shows him to be a believer, then the one deed outweighs the 99.

He said that another thing that terrorists and extremists have taken into their hand is the declaration of war in the name of Jihad. To that end, Sheikh Goma’a said only the head of state, or any other person stated in the constitution of a state, has the legal and religious right to declare war. "War under Islamic tradition is only launched in defense of the nation and not as an offense," he said.

As for the appointment of rulers and the type of governments under Islamic law, Sheikh Goma’a made it clear that the Prophet Mohammed set no clear outlines relating to types of governments that should rule Islamic societies. "The only thing that Islam discusses is that way one should govern the state and that is the way of justice," he said.

He also called for reevaluation of Islamic history to present it in practical light rather than the unrealistic image of the Islamic caliphates of the Abbasids and Umayyads that extremist groups are trying to revive.

The Ramadan series of lectures is part of His Highness’s effort to spread the spirit of knowledge and learning in the United Arab Emirates, by inviting renowned scholars, experts, officials and entrepreneurs to speak at his majlis in Abu Dhabi.
Source : WAM