Fayez Ali Al-Shawabkeh

The Secretary General of the Arab Parliamentary Union (APU), Fayez Ali Al-Shawabkeh, affirmed that the charter of the union provided for holding an annual conference in ordinary session. However, the members of the Kuwaiti and Jordanian parliament demanded to hold an emergency session to discuss the Israeli attacks on Jerusalem. In response, the president of the union responded to this call, and Morocco was chosen as the venue for the 25th emergency conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union on the Israeli violations of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Fayez Ali Al-Shawabkeh said, in interview withAl Maghrib Today that the session discussed and raised all the issues related to the Israeli attacks on Al-Quds Al-Sharif. A final statement was issued condemning Israeli practices and urging the international community to put an end to them, because its continuation would generate more violence in the region and counter-violence.

"We are not in the position of strength that qualifies us to deal with our adversaries with the same concept of power they use in their dealings at the level of strong decisions," he said.

"It is true that we have natural capabilities and resources, but unfortunately they have not been exploited as a strong element in order to serve the Arab national security and the multiplicity of Arab entities," Al-Shawabkeh. "We are talking about 22 Arab countries versus one Israeli entity with expansionist goals, in addition to the unrivaled support of the United States of America," he added.

Al-Shawabkeh talked about the impact of the recent Arab differences between Saudi Arabia and its allies against Qatar on the essence of the Palestinian cause. "I hope that the unity of the Arab countries in supporting of Al-Quds Al-Sharif will overcome the differences in the future by putting an end to it and thinking about the future of our generations," he stated. 

Al-Shawabkeh noted that following the discussion of the delicate circumstances in which the Palestinian issue is going through in a troubled regional context, the Israeli government is primarily benefiting from the implementation of its repressive settlement plans. "In light of our duty as representatives of the peoples, the recommendations of the 25th emergency conference of APU in Rabat reject the measures taken by the Israeli occupation authorities in Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings, from trying to install technical, security and control mechanisms to block access to Al-Aqsa Mosque," he indicated.

Al-Shawabkeh revealed that the committee to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people emanating from APU will be headed by Marzouq Al-Ghanim, Speaker of Kuwaiti National Assembly and heads of parliaments of Morocco, Jordan, Palestine and Algeria, will visit several countries  to raise the issue of continuing Israeli violations of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Palestine.