General Abdel Aziz Mujahed

Algerian retired General Abdel Aziz Mujahed praised the efforts exerted by his country’s government to prevent the extremist elements loyal to ISIS extremist group from entering the country. He added that the Algerian government took a package of measures to criminalize any of the extremist groups or those who provide them with support.
He pointed out to the laws passed by the Algerian parliament last year, saying that such laws aim to eliminate the phenomenon of recruiting the extremists to join the group. He stressed the need for combating the ideas adopted by the extremists to pave the way for eliminating them on the ground.
He added that the major reason behind the success of these organizations is their ability to promote their ideas through the different technological ways, stressing that it is the responsibility of all parties to combat such ideas, including the government, schools and families in addition to the political parties.
 He appreciated the role performed by the Algerian army to confront the extremist groups and to prevent them from infiltrating to the Algerian territories from the eastern side of the country, saying that the Algerian army has good experience in the field of combating terrorism. He stressed that such experience pushed many countries to ask for Algerian military help to eliminate extremism.