PM Ahmed El Sejini

Local Management Committee in the parliament finished discussing the local administration law, but it was not listed on the parliament’s agenda. Head of local management committee, PM Ahmed El Sejini confirmed that the law will be listed on the legislative agenda to be discussed, denying any delay.   He said during an interview with “Arab Today” that, there isn’t any deliberate delay in local elections by delaying this law, adding that the only reason behind this delay is the many legislations related to terrorism on the Council’s agenda, especially after the current events in Egypt.   He said that the law will be passed during the next session, and it is not only about elections, but it will grant powers to local councils to help the government, adding that holding the elections depends on passing the law of the National Electoral Commission, which will organize presidential, parliament, and local elections, along with polls.   He added that it is not in the Minister of Local Development powers to withdraw the local administration law from the parliament, and he agreed with minster, Hisham El Sherif to send him the final draft of law to revise it.