October War

Head of Egypt’s Bar Association Sameh Ashour blamed what described as political position for the current division between the Egyptian people regarding their vision towards what the Egyptian forces achieve during the October War. He added that the foes of Egypt’s presidents, including Jamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Al Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, commit historic mistakes due to their political positions.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that we cannot talk about the victory of the Egyptian army in October 1973, while ignore the Attrition War in which former President Jamal Abdel Nasser performed a major role. He added that this war opened the door for the victory achieved in 1973, saying that it paved the way for the war and performed a major role to put the suitable plan to achieve victory and to restore Sinai from the Israeli occupation.

He also blamed the state of confusion dominating the Egyptian people during assessment of the role performed by Egypt’s presidents, saying that the Egyptians cannot deny Sadat’s role to restore Sinai in October 1973, while they also cannot ignore his moves towards peace with Israelis. He also stressed the need for not mixing between Mubarak’s role as a military leader in 1973 and corruption dominated his regime as a president.

He added that such a state of confusion performs a role to undermine the happiness of Egyptian people during the memory of this great victory in every year. He added that the same confusion dominates the Egyptian people during the memory of January 25 Revolution and June 30 Revolution, saying that the division of Egyptians over the different issues.

He warned that the current state of division among the Egyptian people could affect the current fight against terrorism witnessed in the country, saying that the people should take serious steps to move aside their differences and to unify themselves.

The Egyptian politician congratulated Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi and Defense Minister Sedky Sobhy on the memory of the victory achieved on Ramadan 10, describing it as the greatest military Arab victory in Egypt’s modern history. He called the Egyptian people for being proud of such important victory and rallying behind their political leadership during the current challenged whether on political or economic levels.