Egyptian parliamentarian Hisham Magdy

Egypt’s awaited ministerial reshuffle seizes the attention of followers of the current Egyptian political scene, as a state of division dominates the country between the supporters of reshuffle and others call for full change.

Egyptian parliamentarian Hisham Magdy expressed his refusal to the calls of ministerial reshuffle, stressing the need for full governmental change, as the current Cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Sherif Ismail lost its legitimacy.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the current government has not provided anything to the country, saying it failed to honor any of its commitments before the parliament. He added that he was keen to announce the death of Egypt’s government during the parliamentary sessions.

The Egyptian parliamentarian called President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to dismiss Sherif Ismail’s government due to its failure to meet the needs of the Egyptian citizen. He noted that the current government takes the opposite way of the president’s attitudes, signaling to the increasing prices of different commodities. He added that the current ministers also ignore the decisions taken by the parliament.

He warned, “The current government performs a major role to undermine the president’s popularity, as President Sisi enjoys consensus among the Egyptian people.”

He praised the recent African summit, as it called for increasing cooperation among the African states during the coming period, expressing appreciation to the proposal submitted by President Sisi to establish a free trade zone among the African states. He added that such proposal aims to overcome the current challenged facing the continent and bridge the gap of difference between its countries.