Egyptian MP Haitham Abul-Ezz Al-Hariri

The Egyptian MP Haitham Abul-Ezz Al-Hariri, stressed that he will not retreat from his positions even if it came to the point of dropping his membership.
"Who brought me to this seat under the dome of the Egyptian parliament, are the sons of my constituency from workers, employees, youth, students and women who have believed me and my electoral programs, and gave me their vote to be their representative, defending their rights, which I have kept since my first day in Parliament," the MP said.
"I was one of the most opposed to the program of the government of Sharif Ismail, and it was clear that this program does not meet the ambitions of citizens, and our position remained constant during the discussion of civil service law and the value added tax," he added.

The MP said that his last dispute with the parliament's speaker, Dr. Ali Abdel Aal, is for public interest, where he objected, during the discussion of national electoral commission act, to the text of article 15 of the law, which gives the President of the Republic the right to appoint the executive director of the authority.

"I asked repeatedly to get my right to talk, but on the other hand, the Parliament's Speaker insisted to pass the article, without giving an opinion," the Egyptian MP said, adding that when he intervened to express his opinion, Dr. Ali Abdel Aal refused, and decided to refer me to the investigation.

"Some colleagues from the parliament tried to intervene and end it amicably, by offering an apology to the parliament's speaker, which indicates the relations that bring deputies together , but I will not apologize, I did not wrong," Al-Hariri stated.

Hariri expressed his displeasure with what happened with him, stressing that this is a continuation of the series of restrictions on members of the "25-30" coalition, in view of the positions of its members in the face of the government on the one hand, and in the face of the majority coalition on the other.

He called on the government to adopt policies that ease the burdens of the citizen. He added: "Since the government of Engineer Sharif Ismail came out with a series of decisions in early November, the Egyptian citizen is suffering from the high prices of commodities such as oil, sugar and medicine, and when we attacked these decisions, the response was that these decisions within the framework of its reform program.

Regarding the law of the judiciary's crisis, Al-Hariri stressed that he supported all the voices calling for its withdrawal after the crisis intensified. He added that the amendment of the article 40 of the judicial authority law, the approval of the legislative committee and transferring it to the parliament, which approved it in a hurry, raises doubts about it. He also stressed that this law constitutes interference by the legislature in the work of the judiciary.