Egyptian parliamentarian John Talaat

Egyptian parliamentarian John Talaat said that the extremist ideas adopted by a number of preachers during the recent period is not phenomenon, while individual actions that raised a state of controversy in the Egyptian community. He warned that such ideas could raise tension among the citizens due to each person's bias towards his faith.
He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, “Each citizen has religion, as he should respect the faith of other people. This is the only way to achieve peaceful coexistence among the citizens of the country.” He blamed the phenomenon of classifications within the community for the state of tension dominating the society from time to time.
He signaled that a large number of complaints have been submitted against preacher Salem Abdel Jalil, who described Christians as infidels, saying that the preacher is not accused of insulting Christianity while working to destabilize the country.
He stressed the need for changing the culture dominating the Egyptian community, saying that each citizen should exercise his religious rituals and express his ideas with committing any violations against the others. He added that what happened is not a phenomenon, while it raises tension among the citizens of the same country.
He praised the proposal to study the national education and human rights in the Egyptian schools during the coming period, saying that it could perform a major role to create new generations of students who love their country and sacrifice for it in the light of campaigns launched on social media networks targeting the Egyptian young people during the current critical period.
He condemned the statements issued by a number of international organizations to condemn the human rights situation in Egypt, saying that such statements are considered a clear interference in the country’s internal affairs and a violation against its sovereignty. He accused them of promoting for specific political agendas, saying that they have not issues any similar statements during the era of former President Mohamed Morsi of Muslim Brotherhood.