Egyptian MP Aboul Maati Mustafa

Egyptian parliamentarian Aboul Maati Mustafa rebuked the step taken by the Egyptian parliament to challenge the judges through passing a legislation raising the anger of judges. He called the parliament for taking steps to retreat from its position as soon as possible, stressing the importance of respecting the judicial authority.

He added that the parliament has not held any logic calculations before confrontation against the judges, adding that the hasty approach adopted by the parliamentarians to pass the amendments will cost them a heavy price. He added that the judges’ decision to refer the issue to Egypt’s presidency is the first signal of escalation against the parliament.

He added that the parliament’s defiance against the judiciary is uncalculated step, stressing that the Egyptian judges gain the respect and appreciation of all categories in the Egyptian community. He added that it is not easy step to contain the judges or to challenge them. He expressed his aspiration that the parliament will take serious steps to correct this mistake.

He blamed the Egyptian media for the current tension between the Egyptian parliament on one hand and the judicial community on the other hand, adding that the Egyptian media channels and newspapers focused on published false new to escalate the tension between the two parties during the recent period.

On the economic side, the Egyptian parliamentarian rebuked Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, saying that he failed to prove his efficiency in this important position during the current critical period. He added that his ministers also failed to meet the aspirations of the people. He stressed the need for changing the prime minister and replacing him with a personality with economic background.

He added tha the country needs a prime minister like Dr. Atif Sedky who took the position for over 10 years during the era of former President Hosni Mubarak. He expressed his resentment over what was published over the parliamentary collusion with the government against the citizen, saying that the parliament should take serious steps to contain the daily sufferings of the Egyptian citizens in the streets.