Prime Minister Saad el Hariri

Visiting Lebanese Prime Minister Saad el Hariri stressed that Egypt succeeded in foiling the schemes knitted by the Muslim Brotherhood group in the region.

If the MB succeeded in their schemes, Israel would have easily gotten an international recognition of the Jewish State, Hariri said in a video interview with MENA editor-in-chief Alaa Haider and editor Hassan el Qashawi.

But now after the end of the MB rule, Israel cannot find any excuse to justify its attempts to get a recognition of the Jewish State, he said.

He shed light on growing international rejection of the status quo Israel is trying to impose, citing declining support of Israel in the UN this year compared to the year before.

About Hamas' attempts to turn the Palestinian issue from a liberation cause to a religious issue, Hariri said these attempts weakened the Palestinian issue. 

But regardless of what is taking place between Hamas and Fatah, the Palestinian issue should remain Arabs' number one issue, he said.

The disengagement of Gaza Strip from the West Bank was a fatal mistake that allowed Israel to do whatever it wants, he said.

Israel is the one creating crises in Lebanon and Syria, the Lebanese premier said. It claims it is Christians' friend in the region while in fact it is trying to get them out of the region for the sake of the Jewish State.

We notice that Christian presence is the region is now declining and President Abdel Fattah El Sisi together with Al Azhar, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon are working hard to preserve the Christian presence in the region. 

Christians used to make up 21 percent of Palestinian population but now they only represent one percent, Hariri said, wondering who is to blame for the immigration of Christians? Are Muslims to blame? Certainly not, it is Israel.

Hariri dismissed the possibility of paying a visit to Damascus, saying he and a large number of Lebanese people do not accept the Syrian regime.

About Iraq's call to return the Syria seat in the Arab League, Hariri said Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit made clear that this seat will be filled by the transitional government to be agreed upon during Geneva negotiations.

About the delay in extracting oil and natural gas from the Mediterranean sea and steps taken in this regard, he said political differences in the past were behind the delay but now as they were solved, it will proceed normally.

If we demarcated maritime borders by ways recognized in the entire world we will find out that Lebanon has all the right to excavate in the Mediterranean sea for oil and natural gas but Israel is trying to delay the matter as long as it takes to benefit from the gas and oil.

We will use all legal tools as well as our international relations to protect our energy rights. We also asked President Sisi to raise the issue during his visit to Washington, Hariri said.

About the possibility that the US will cut military aid to Lebanon in light of President Donald Trump's stance against Iran and Hezbollah, Hariri said the US administration did not tell us anything in this regard. 

The US aid is very important to Lebanon in its fight against terrorism, he said, adding that delegations of the US Congress and army visited Lebanon and they were understanding of the Lebanese army's role in fighting terrorism.

Source: MENA