Egypt's Ambassador to Algeria Omar Abu Aish

Egypt's Ambassador to Algeria Omar Abu Aish was interviewed by Le Quotidien d'Oran, a daily French-language Algerian newspaper.

The Egyptian ambassador shed light on the situation in Egypt since 2011 revolution that ended president Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.

Egypt's experiment is appreciated by the Algerian officials and the Algerians are closely following up the developments in Egypt, the ambassador told MENA correspondent here on Saturday. 

Talking about Qatar's funding to terrorism, the ambassador said that he talked about Qatar's funding to the Brotherhood group. 

He further said that Egypt's relations with the Gulf countries are good in general except Qatar, which supported terrorism and took a stance against Egypt in several forums. 

Qatar has used Al Jazeera Channel to offend the Egyptian army, he added. 

Regarding the Egyptian-Saudi ties, the ambassador said that the two countries enjoy outstanding ties, which are based on joint interests. 

Concerning the three-way summit between Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia on the Libyan crisis, the Egyptian ambassador said that Egypt is keen on supporting all the Libyan national institutions and ensuring Libya's security and stability. 

Egypt and Algeria maintain coordination regarding the Libyan crisis in the various regional and international forums, he added.

Source: MENA