Leader Mohamed al-Kilani

Tunisian Socialist Party leader Mohamed al-Kilani, announced that preparations for the political agenda of the salvation front is still ongoing, and its details are still under discussion and consultation.

Al-Kilani stressed, in an exclusive interview with Arabs Today, that there are discuss about other group of parties to join the front, including Green Party for Progress, to expand this front, and attract the largest number of participants. He stressed that the formal signature on the front's document, will be in the next few days, and will not exceed the last of February.

He stated that discussions and consultations are still ongoing, to establish an appropriate and coherent ground to form the salvation front, which would restore the political balance of the country.

"The debate is still open to other political parties and personalities, to join front, as well as the meetings are also still continuing to attract the largest number of parties and politicians," al-Kilani said.

He explained that the political front aims to restore the balance in the political life in Tunisia, which is subject since 2014 to the major political parties' control, saying that the front's end of the formation is not a municipal election, but to achieve political balance.