Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said Saturday that conditions in Sinai are stable.

During his speech during a visit to army and police troops in North Sinai, aired by state TV, Sisi said the terrorist incidents in Sinai proved that unless the Egyptians had revolted on June 30, 2013 to topple the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)'s theocratic and fascist regime, the terrorists would have announced Sinai as an Islamist state.

The president said the current incidents affirmed the assumption that the Islamists wanted that to happen and try to forcefully carry it out now, a message which was clearly perceived by all the Egyptians.

He said Sinai's area was 60 thousand square kilometers, and Rafah, Arish and Sheikh Zuwaid merely occupy five percent of this area, pointing out the domestic and foreign media helped in conveying a false picture.

Sisi added that he was confident in the army men's capability in handling and countering the attacks appropriately, stressing the major damage and casualties the military inflicted on the attackers, as the death toll among them reached 200 at least.

The president said he had to come to North Sinai to thank the troops in person while wearing the military uniform in appreciation of and respect to their efforts and sacrifices.
Source: MENA