Egyptian parliamentarian Ahmed Idris

Egyptian parliamentarian Ahmed Idris condemned the extremist attacks targeting the Egyptian Christians living in Sinai, saying that the extremist attacks come to cover their failure to confront the Egyptian military and security forces. He added that the extremist groups suffered from the military attacks against them, as they lost a large number of their fighters and leader.

He added that they turned to use their last card through targeting the Christians in Sinai to raise the sectarian tensions in the Egyptian community, saying that they will fail to achieve their objective as the Egyptian Copts realize the conspiracies against the Egyptian state.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the extremists work to kill both Muslims and Christians, saying that the Egyptian government paid high price during its war against terrorism. He stressed that such incidents will increase the insistence of the Egyptian people to support the government for eliminating extremism, calling the parliament for issuing legislations to take the necessary measures against those people who work to harm the interests of the country.

Regarding the ministerial reshuffle, he said that there were a number of ministers who did not perform well during their tenure in the light of the increasing prices and shortage of commodities, saying that they called for the ministerial reshuffle as the only way to save the country from the economic crisis. He praised the new ministers, saying that they enjoy the efficiency to contain the current economic problems.

He added, “We, as parliamentarian, remain supervising the performance of the government. We would demand its dismissal if the ministers failed to meet the aspirations of the Egyptian people.” He expressed his appreciation to Egypt’s Minister of Tourism Yehia Rashed, saying that he has a clear plan to restore the tourist movement during the coming period.

He stressed that the Egyptian government took the necessary measures to meet its commitments to restore the Russian tourists, blaming the Russian government for what he described as intransigent attitude. He called the Egyptian government for finding alternative markets, including China and other Asian countries.

He expressed resentment over the decisions taken randomly by the government, criticizing the decision to increase the fees of visas from $ 25 to $ 60, saying that the decision did not come in the suitable time. He stressed that such a decision undermines the efforts to restore the tourism in Egypt.