Ambassador Fadel Jawed

Ambassador Fadel Jawed, Assistant Director General of League of Arab States, warned of the increasing dangers of the continuation of Arab refugees flow due to the current developments witnessed in the Middle East, stressing the need for finding a way to deal with this problem to contain the escalated humanitarian crisis. He called the Arab governments to contact with each other to find urgent solutions to save the refugees and to resettle them during the coming period. 

He added, in an interview with "Arabs Today", that the recent Arab Summit held in Amman discussed the refugees crisis during the ministerial meeting and other meetings conducted with the Arab senior officials. He added that they submitted proposals to contain this phenomenon through opening roads and finding safe shelters to the refugees. He added that they also discussed the possibility of providing the refugees with visas to enter the foreign coutries without facing dangers of death.

The Arab official expressed his aspirations to draft an Arab agreement to contain this phenomenon, saying that such an agreement would be a major step to contain the danger of the mass exodus witnessed between the Arab countries due to the internal conflicts and terrorist attacks witnessed in the different countries of the region during the current critical period.

He stressed the efforts exerted by the League of Arab States to increase cooperation with the European countries to contain the phenomenon to find radical solutions for the crisis to safe thousands of refugees escaping from the wars witnessed in their countries and to allow them find decent conditions of life.

He added that the recent Arab Summit has not discussed any proposals to deploy Arab peace keeping troops in the areas of conflict, saying that the major objective of modernizing the Arab Peace and Security Council is to achieve peace and security in case of conflicts beween the league's member States. He stressed that the measure came upon the study conducted by Algeria's former Foreign Minister Alakhdar Alibrahimi to activate the council during the coming period.

He added that the Arab countries will hold meetings during the coming period to discuss the ways to activate the proposal to pave the way for ensuring the stability of the Arab world and to support the peace in its countries.