Algerian Labor Party Lewisa Hanun

Director General of Algerian Labor Party Lewisa Hanun expressed her party’s readiness to coordinate with other opposition parties to prevent the Algerian parliament from passing the package of laws that does not serve the interests of the Algerian citizen. She stressed the need for unity between the Algerian opposition parties during the coming period to improve the economic situation witnessed in the country.
She added, during an interview with “Arabs Today”, that they will deal with the new speaker of Algerian parliament as a political fact, saying that she has no difference with him on personal level. She expressed her skepticism over the results of the recent parliamentary elections held on May 4, saying that that the authorities falsified the ballots to serve the interests of their candidates.
She stressed that the Algerian parliamentarians representing her party will not keep silent towards the violations committed by the Algerian government, stressing that they will exert their efforts to restore the rights of Algerian citizens during the coming period.
She accused the government of stealing 10 seats from her party during the parliamentary elections on May 4, confirming that, her party members will continue their fight for the people and the country inside the parliament. She also stressed on the importance of releasing the report prepared by the Independent Supreme Commission for Election Observation to the public like the other countries.
She attributed the decline of her party share in the Algerian Parliament to the opposition stands and arguments of the party members with Zygod Yousef during the last legislative term such as, Budget Law for 2016 which witnessed a lot of argument between pro and opposition parties’ members including Worker’s Party.
She said her party is not concerned with the Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sallal consultations regarding the new government, and she has no desire to join the next government, and her party will always work with parties defending citizens and Algeria. She also praised the decision of the Community Peace Council, which decided not to accept the offer of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to join the government