Chairperson of Algerian New Generation Party Sophian Gelali

Chairperson of Algerian New Generation Party Sophian Gelali said that je prepares for establishing a new political coalition in Algerian including a number of the country’s opposition parties that decided to boycott the latest parliamentary elections conducted on May 4 during the coming period.
He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that he held a number of consultations and talks with political figures to form the new coalition, saying that the country needs a strong opposition during the coming period. He added that the absence of strong opposition is the major reason behind the current state of chaos dominating the country.
He stressed that the new coalition will not include any of Islamist parties, saying that Algeria’s Community of Peace has not been invited to join the coalition. He stressed that the Muslim Brotherhood has not honored its commitment to the Algerian opposition during the critical period in the country’s history, blaming the group’s decision to participate in the parliamentary elections.
He stressed that the group’s decision to participate in the parliamentary election was a clear violation to the agreements concluded between the opposition parties and provided the government with legitimacy.
He expressed his resentment over the performance of Algerian government, saying it does not adopt any different approach from previous governments. He stressed that the recent elections led the country to a similar government to the previous governments that ruled the country during the recent years.
He blamed the former governments for the current economic crises that hit the country, saying that they failed to deal with these crises that came as a result of the current decline witnessed in the oil prices. He stressed that the government failed to meet the aspirations of Algerian people during the recent period, expecting that the new government will not achieve any progress.
He said that “The rigged election results are enough for pushing the MSP to reject offer of joining the government.” He added, “The conditions set by the MSP to join the government have not been met,” he said, recalling the conditions as: “the integrity of elections, the party’s access to a majority or a considerable parliamentary bloc, and participation in a national consensus government program.”