Nour Al Din Jaffar

Leading member of Algeria’s ruling National Liberation Front Nour Al Din Jaffar criticized the choice of candidates scheduled to run for the coming parliamentary elections due to be held in May, stressing that the formation of the party’s electoral list undermined the promises taken by the leaders to confront the political money influence, as the businesspersons topped the list.
He added that it is the first time for the ruling party to choose its electoral list by this way, saying that no one knows the standard adopted by the party to choose its candidates for the coming elections. He added, “I contacted with five leaders of the party, while they denied any role in the process to choose the party’s candidates.”
He signaled to the protests organized by the party’s members over the formation of the electoral list, saying that the party faces accusations of receiving political bribes to choose the candidates especially after the scandal of the son of Party’s leader accused of receiving bribes to nominate specific names in the coming elections.
Jaffar, who served as parliamentarian, added that the coming elections will return the ruling party to the zero point, stressing that it could lose the majority during the coming parliamentary elections. He blamed the candidates chosen to represent the party for undermining the citizens’ confidence during the coming elections in the favor of the rival National Democratic Tagammou Party.
He rebuked the party’s leading member Jamal Ould Abbas for not responding to the orders issued by the Algerian president. Saying that he takes individual decisions that could lead the party to what may have dire consequences. He added that they decided to address the Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika calling him for holding an exceptional conference to correct the situation inside the ruling party.